Blue sky as seen from the Junipero Serra Elementary School campus

Thank You, SSFUSD Community!

Thank you, SSFUSD community!
Measure T, the $436 million school improvement bond to repair and improve local schools in South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD), has officially passed with almost 64% of the vote.
SSFUSD Superintendent Dr. Shawnterra Moore said the new general obligation bond will help fund much needed facility improvements including the construction of affordable housing for teachers and school employees.
“These investments in school infrastructure will keep our students safe, provide them with tools needed for a 21st century education, and enable the district to maintain a high-quality workforce,” said Dr. Moore. “They will make our families and community proud.”
According to SSFUSD Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Ted O, there are several administrative steps that must be taken by the school board and district leaders before SSFUSD can utilize the bond funds to implement future construction projects.
“I am working with our bond counsel, underwriter, and financial advisor to determine the order and the dates of these tasks,” O said. “They involve preparing a bond resolution, obtaining a rating from a credit rating agency, pricing and selling the bonds, and the establishment of a bond oversight committee.”
O said this process will take between three to four months. 
Measure T was sponsored by SSFUSD.
The school board voted to place the bond measure on the November ballot on June 23, 2022. 
Measure T received 13,633 YES votes and 7,802 NO votes.
Learn more about Measure T and SSFUSD’s plans to invest in the community’s future at: